What's On

Unless stated otherwise all events start at 14:15  at Jordans Quaker CentreFinishing around 16:30.

Talks marked as Shared Zoom Talks are ones where we have joined with other dowsing groups to give you speakers from further afield. They are for members only and in most cases will carry a small charge. Details will be provided once we have them.

NOTE: Booking links and buttons open a new email on your device for you to send. If they are not working you will need to alter the settings on your device. Alternatively email our chair chair@thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk to book 

Saturday 13th July TVD Summer lunch for members at Waterperry Gardens, Oxon.


An afternoon of dowsing for digging

Looking for artifacts at Stone Meadow Chalfont St.Giles .The event will be led by John Bradley. Gathering at the pub afterwards!

Sunday 3rd November: time 2.00pm

Shared Zoom talk

Dowsing for Gnomes at Wollaton Hall with Mave Calvert.

More info


Saturday 4th January


More info to follow

If you are interested in coming to any of the events listed then you must

email our Chair Sue to ensure a place and be kept informed of any last minute changes or cancellations. Your Committee values any suggestions for future field trips and speakers or volunteers to lead such events.

By booking your place on an event organised by Thames Valley Dowsers you are deeming yourself fit and able to handle the physical aspects of that activity. We will endeavour to provide a risk assessment for each event. Field trips may at times involve walking substantial distances on uneven and slippery ground. You are asked always to take due care and to wear appropriate footwear and clothing taking into account the weather.


Other than assistance dogs we regret that we cannot allow dogs at any of our events


We will on occasion be taking photographs at our events, especially those held outdoors. These will be used promotionally and on our website and Facebook pages. Unless you inform us otherwise your permission to use these photographs is implicitly given by attendance at our events