Dowsing for gnomes

Sunday 2nd November 2.00pm

Dowsing for Gnomes at Wollaton Hall

A Shared Zoom talk with Mave Calvert

In 2021 Mave Calvert, aka Mave Marian, The Sherwood Dowser, was asked by a friend who described himself as an "Investigator of high strangeness" whether she could use dowsing to investigate the alleged sighting of gnomes in bubble cars by children trespassing in the grounds of Wollaton Hall in Nottingham at dusk on the Autumn Equinox of 1979.

Accompanied by fellow Dowser, Tracy Vincent (her picture below), and the former Chair of a local dowsing group, Maeve entered an unseen magical wonderland of intuitive writers, blind springs, earth energies, geological faulting, illuminated plasma balls and shapeshifting Devic beings, which all combined to provide an intriguing picture of how these apparently separate phenomena can interact together to produce a reality that a non-dowser might describe as paranormal.

Articles that Mave has written about this adventure for Dowsing Today and Northern Earth magazine can be found on her Sherwood Dowser webiste:

Not yet open for bookings